
Cigars have long been synonymous with Cuba, but you know what? In addition to Cuba, cigars are produced in Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras and even the United States and Mexico. The surging price of Cuban cigars and the serious shortage of supply in recent years have driven many people to explore new-world cigars. In contrast, non-cuban cigars are affordable and have stable quality control, making them daily cigars for many people. There are a myriad of non-cuban cigar brands, and nearly ten thousand models have been released, how do you choose?

Humans first discovered tobacco in the Americas in the 15th century, but in fact, the ancient Mayan civilization had a long history of using tobacco. Tobacco has a sacred status for them, and its uses include medical treatment and offering to God. The ancient Mayan people used blood as a offerings, and tobacco served as an important symbol of "the medium of offering sacrifices". Later, in the mid-16th century, tobacco was introduced to Europe because of its beautiful petals, and the beginning of tobacco culture began.

Flor de Copan (Flower of Copan) comes from the legendary factory La Flor de Copa, which has inherited the tobacco culture from the ancient Mayan civilization. Each cigar produced is made of high-quality Honduras tobacco leaves and fermented through traditional Honduras techniques. Aging and rolling. The previously introduced Flor de Copan Mayan collection series emerges a little familiar Cuban flavor, which benefits from Havana seeds 2000 from the Jamastran Valley. 

SAVOR House is honored to be invited by the cigar brand, "Flor de Copan" to hold a tasting event, inviting cigar lovers to taste the flavors from Honduras, and experiencing Flor de Copan’s famous series Linea Puros Robusto and Maya Collection short Robusto. There will be an experienced cigar connoisseurs introducing them to the participants, which allows all cigar lovers to deeply understand the tobacco culture inherited from the ancient Maya.

[SAVOUR House X Time Cigar] Flor de Copan Tasting Event

Time: 7pm to 10pm
Venue: SAVOUR House, 26/F., Max Trade Centre, 23 Luk Hop Street, San Po Kong
Content:Introduce the culture of cigar, share the fundamental knowledge and know-how of cigar and have 2 models of Flor de Copan with 1 non-alcoholic drink

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